6. Burn your television. How many hours did you watch last week?I don't really agree with this one because it misses the point. TV isn't evil; it's just a time-waster. You could say that about any leisure activity—watching movies, playing video games, surfing the internet. The message to take away from this one is about getting your priorities straight, not how bad TV supposedly is. And this is coming from someone who pretty much doesn't watch any TV at all. (I do, however, watch movies on NetFlix.)
7. Create a network of healing. What are the characteristics of the most supportive possible environment you can think of?Totally agreeing with the quote "In order to remove drama from your life, you have to remove those that thrive on it." I've made it a matter of policy in recent years to avoid the dramamongers who thrive on lulz.
8. Enlist your inner governor. Are you treating each experience you experience as a test of what you believe?I am still perfecting the art of treating things like a six hour lecture on the Lifecycle of Highway Signage, but at this juncture it's safe to say I get a lot less bent out of shape about things than my critics do.
9. Reinvest your misfortune. What would you have to learn from this mistake to make it no longer a mistake?Adopt, adapt, and improve. I'm all about being flexible and learning from my mistakes.